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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Timun jepun ku kena jangkitan kulat....
timun memang senang ditanam....tak banyak hal nak membesar....cuma kena ikut jadual pembajaan yang tetap saja....
tapi...musim2 hujan macam ni....banyak penyakit yg hinggap....
perhatikan gambar dibawah ni...ada tompok2 putih pada daun timun....kulat putih.....
kalau dah mula menyerang...susah betul nak hapuskan kulat2 ni...pakai benlate pun x berapa berkesan....kena cari alternative antifungal yg lain rasanya....
kalau dah teruk sangat...kena buang la semua pokok ni sebelum berjangkit pada pokok lain...sayangnya......baru nak galak berbuah timun ku intew..........eeeeekkkkkkkkkkk......
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Bunga Raya
i just started my collection on Bunga Raya since last september......i love bunga raya sooo much...this is our national flower..& in fact sooo many species & varieties of hibiscus all over the malaysia...dah banyak cultivated bunga raya..& the hybrids of bunga raya pun banyak....these are among my few collections....hopefully i can collect more in future....
the pink hibiscus...
the white...nampak sungguh suci........:-)
this orange looks stunning
orange hibiscus with yellow..but unfortunately....infected with mites....sayang sungguh....
this is other species of hibiscus...the flower only bloom for a day...but nice....
i only have 2....
the pink
and white
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Lagu Bunga Matahari
Bunga Matahari sangat cantik
Kembang di waktu pagi
Daunnya hijau bunganya kuning
Memikat kumbang lalu
Bunga Matahari sangat cantik
Di halaman rumahku
Darinya pagi hingganya petang
Tak jemu kumemandang
bestnya jamu mata tengok bunga matahari sambil nyanyi lagu bunga matahari...terkenang pelak masa zaman budak2...huhuuhuhuhuu.....
pokok ni dibeli di nursery Sg Buloh..just RM10..terus sambar..masa ni..kudup bunga dia masih lagi kuncup....
about week later.....sudah mengembang....
and this is maximum size of sunflower yg ditanam.....
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
English herbs
i just started to collect english herbs....for a start...rosemary & pudina dulu............
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis).....nice flavor for barbeque..teringat Jamie Olivier....kebanyakan masakan dia yang meng"grill"/ bakar memang ada herb tak payah beli dessicated rosemary kat kedai.....amik jek yg ditanam sendirik.......but now..i still learn macam mana nak jaga......
english believe aroma dari pokok ni boleh menguatkan di tempat yang sesuai dengan function dia...meja belajar ke.....but bear in your mind get the aroma....kena picit2 la..kalau dok macam tu jek....x de effect....& rosemary tea..boleh membantu masalah penghadaman & irregular period for ladies....
another english herb.....pudina (Mentha arvensis) mint tea....buat teh O panas macam biasa..& just letak 2-3 helai daun pudina...biarkan skejap...& there u tea is ready for refreshing.........segar rasa di dada..:)...selain tu..buat ulam pun ok gak..but since pudina ku ini kurus keringg.....kena la beringat.....kena belai sampai dia gemoqss dulu....nak kena tukar tanahnya & i'm looking for miracle-gro fertalizer..ramai yg cakap the effect is superb.....
aroma dari pudina is good for stress treatment.....maybe sebab aroma dia sangat orang yg sedang dalam stress tu....boleh la sedut bau dia banyak2...and i have to agree with this....i myself pun akan ambik bau pudina bila stress/ sakit kepala...& my headache become try this therapy...
english believe aroma dari pokok ni boleh menguatkan di tempat yang sesuai dengan function dia...meja belajar ke.....but bear in your mind get the aroma....kena picit2 la..kalau dok macam tu jek....x de effect....& rosemary tea..boleh membantu masalah penghadaman & irregular period for ladies....
another english herb.....pudina (Mentha arvensis) mint tea....buat teh O panas macam biasa..& just letak 2-3 helai daun pudina...biarkan skejap...& there u tea is ready for refreshing.........segar rasa di dada..:)...selain tu..buat ulam pun ok gak..but since pudina ku ini kurus keringg.....kena la beringat.....kena belai sampai dia gemoqss dulu....nak kena tukar tanahnya & i'm looking for miracle-gro fertalizer..ramai yg cakap the effect is superb.....
aroma dari pudina is good for stress treatment.....maybe sebab aroma dia sangat orang yg sedang dalam stress tu....boleh la sedut bau dia banyak2...and i have to agree with this....i myself pun akan ambik bau pudina bila stress/ sakit kepala...& my headache become try this therapy...
Pokok Sambung Nyawa (Gynura precumbens)
this is pokok sambung nyawa or akar sebiak (Gynura precumbens)...dont confuse with pokok biak..yg tu ketum (Mitragyna speciosa).......sambung nyawa is consumed as ulaman in malay culture....buat kerabu pun sedap jugak...the medicinal usage dia is to treat hypertension...but be careful...tak boleh consumed banyak2 as pokok ni akan lower the blood pressure.....
Pokok Ati-ati (Coleus sp)
ati-ati merah (Coleus sp)...ada banyak variety pokok ati2....i just started with this variety...nampak senang nak tanam..but rupa2nya sensitive jugak....saliran tanah must be good...air x boleh bertakung....but..very nice house plant....these r my few collection.....i'm going to add more.....
daun ati-ati mempunyai beberapa khasiat ubatan. untuk melegakan isul...daunnya dilumatkan terlebih dahulu sebelum ditampal di sekeliling tempat yang ditumbuhi bisul..then balut dengan kain & biarkan sampai kering..nanti dia akan mengeras...steps ni kena diulang beberapa kali hingga bisul masak dan pecah sendiri.
daun ati-ati mempunyai anti-pyretic, dia boleh membantu menurunkan suhu panas sebab demam dan sakit kepala. just lumatkan aje daunnya & letakkan pada dahi. for those yg batuk & lelah, just ambil sekeping daun ati-ati...layur di atas api...sapukan sikit kapur makan pada permukaan daun & ditampal ke leher. this need to be repeated few times la.....
banyak kerjanya....kalau nak senang.....pegi klinik jekla...senang..telang jek ubat yg dr bagik..hehehe...........
herbs in my collection
herbal ...satu lagi tanaman yang agak menarik.......tanam sebagai hiasan..but at the same time ada khasiat ubatan.....orang melayu kita sejak dulu sering menggunapakai tanaman sekitar rumah saja untuk mengubat sakit2 ringan......
kalau kena dengan "deco"...boleh dibangunkan sebagai lanskap yg cantik di rumah atau pejabat......
just wanna share little bit from my collection here....
kalau kena dengan "deco"...boleh dibangunkan sebagai lanskap yg cantik di rumah atau pejabat......
just wanna share little bit from my collection here....
this is Begonia sp....sharing little bit info pasal begonia..nama kampungnya is asam batu....donno y called asam batu..maybe sebab begonia ni sukakan tempat lembab..& celah batu is the good source of humidity.....& plus....begonia ni memang rasanya tu la kot nama dia asam batu...hehe
asam batu boleh dibuat ulam or kerabu...but actually ada banyak specis begonia..tak sure la plak semuanya edible atau pun carefull dnegan apa2 pokok yg x sure taraf "edible" nya......but i know this one can be eaten...& rasanya...saaaangat masam......
apa pun...i just love begonia sebab daun2 dia memang cantik...with tiny flowers....they just adorable....
apa pun...i just love begonia sebab daun2 dia memang cantik...with tiny flowers....they just adorable....
this is another variety asam batu in my collection..
and this is another one....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cara semula jadi untuk cegah hama pada pokok cili
Masa tengah google cari info pasal planter boxes....jumpa pulak website ni....quit good guide for those yg ada probs with aphids.....
Getting rid of aphids on pepper plants
First of all I am a little embarrassed that I let the infestation get this bad before noticing. I unfortunately set the grow box to have the sunrise at 1:00am and the lights always were off by the time I got home. Though the cause is not as important as how to get rid of them.
If this plant was outside my local lady bug population would have kept these buggers in check though they seemed to thrive without the vicious predators. For an outdoor plant a quick high pressure spray of water on the the leaves (as well as underside of leaves) would take care of the problem. Though this does not kill the aphids, they will starve to death before they make it anywhere to do any more damage.
This has not been my first battle with aphids, so fortunately I had some insecticidal soap on hand. I sprayed the entire plant from the top and bottom. I removed the major yellowing leaves and did another quick spray. Now if you don’t have any insecticidal soap, or just want to save $5 on buying a bottle here are a couple of proven recipes:
Simple Aphid Killer Spray
• 1 tsp dishwashing soap
• Fill 32 oz spray bottle with water
Directions: Shake and spray liberally on tops and bottom of leaves ensuring aphids are covered completely.
Complex Aphid Killer Spray
• 1.5 tablespoon baking soda
• 1 tablespoon Murphy’s Oil Soap
• 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil
• 1 tablespoon Vinegar
• 1 gallon water
Directions: Pour into spray bottle and spray liberally on tops and bottom of leaves ensuring aphids are covered completely.
Extra Spicy Aphid Killer Spray
• 3 hot peppers chopped finely
• 1 quart of water
Directions: Mix peppers with water and let seep overnight. Strain and pour into spray bottle and spray liberally on tops and bottom of leaves ensuring aphids are covered completely. WARNING: You care not to get this spray in your eyes.
US Department of Agriculture Mix
• 2 tsp dishwashing soap
• 1 cup of vegetable oil
• Fill 32 oz spray bottle with water
Directions: Shake and spray liberally on tops and bottom of leaves every 9-10 days, ensuring aphids are covered completely.
If none of these solutions work, squish those buggers with your fingers being sure to include a sinister laugh while doing it. Which even if you are squeamish, this is what you will see if you let them have their way.
Monday, June 13, 2011
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