Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fine Dining @ Home???

Zaman2 gawat ni... memang haruslah berjimat cermat
fine dining di restoran exclusive? duit pun kena la exclusive juga... sesekali tak apa la... banyak2 kali.. mau bongkok 3 membayar bil... dah la mahal... fine dining ni.., sangat2la "fine" makanannya... utk kapasiti perut macam aku nih... hmm.... kem salam jek la... 

so gardeners... get back to ur garden pliss.... DIY your so call 'fine dining at home! nak tambah 10x pun xde sapa pandang semacam... huahua

what needed is... pinggan2 yg bersesuaian.,.. biasanya pinggan2 nya jenis yg besar/ lebar/ panjang... & dont forget ur cutlery set ye... biarla cukup sudu garpu pisau'... yg basic sudahla.. toksahla sarat macam classic istana omputih... kang jenuh pulak nak kemas lepas makan karang...


& finally... gunalah creativity masing2 utk "hidupkan" persembahan hidangan di meja makan supaya aura fine dining datang bertandang... 

Buttered rice

so many version of buttered rice... this is my own version

  • 3 pot beras (prefered basmathi.. kalau xde... apa2 pun boleh)
  • 2 tbsp butter 
  • 4-5 kuntum bunga lawang & 2 btg kayu manis
  • 1/2 tsp garam halus
  • air secukupnya
  • saya gunakan rice cookeer terus... panaskan periuknya atas api dapur
  • panaskan butter & tumis bunga lawang & kayu manis
  • air secukupnya (di nisbahkan dengan beras tadi)
  • masukkan garam
  • apabila air dah mendidih, masukkan beras
  • then tukar mode masak.... angkat periuk & letakkan dalam rice cooker & masakla macam biasa... bila nasi mula mengering, kacau sedikit & tutup periuk
  • biarkan nasi masak atas rice cooker

herbal-fused chicken
  • ayam (sebelah)
  • flavors (daripada my english herbs garden.. kalu u all xde... beli saja dikedai):
    • 2-3 tangkai rosemary- ambil daun aje.. batang buang/ pi semai semula
    • 3-5 tangkai thyme
    • 2-3 tangkai tarragon
    • 2 table spoon kulit lemon - parut halus kulit lemon (also... from our garden... hehe)
    • 2-3 tablespoon serbuklada hitam
    • 6-7 ulas bawang putih- tumbuk hancur
    • garam secukup rasa (approx. 1 teaspoon... this is my dose... )
  • sayuran pilihan.. preferebly from ur garden.. xde... pi beli ye...
    • tomato (i have beef steak tomato)- belah 2 
    • broccoli- potong sederhana
    • carrots- belah 2 atau 4.. size dlm 3x3 cm... but ikut suka nak buat macam mana pun

  • cuci ayam bersih. kulit jgn buang
  • flavors: tumbuk/ cincang semua english herbs...
  • mix all flavors
  • lumurkan pada ayam & sayur2an
  • susun atas dulang pembakar... susun semua sayur kat bawah ayam.. yg lembut macam tomato & brokoli kat bawah ayam... yg lain boleh dok tepi... 
  • semua sayuran lebih baik disusun dibawah ayam supaya juice daripada ayam yg keluar ketika pembakaran akan diresap oleh sayur & memberikn rasa 
  • bakar di daam oven.. api atas & bawah.. suhu 220oC selama 45-1 jam (depend oven memasing)
  • bila dah siap... keluarkn & hias dalam pinggan yg cantik2.

Beef roll
  • daging (prefer tenderloin)- dihiris nipis & panjang... adjust length supaya agak2 cukup utk gulung sayur
  • sayur... kebanyakannya from my garden.. kecuali aspagus & carrot & bawang:
    • carrot
    • daun bawang
    • asparagus (kalo ada)
    • garlic chives
    • parsley
    • dill
    • timun jepun
    • bawang holland
  • flavors:
    • 2-3 tangkai rosemary- ambil daun aje.. batang buang/ pi semai semula
    • 2-3 tangkai tarragon
    • 1 tablespoon serbuklada hitam
    • 5 ulas bawang putih- tumbuk hancur
    • garam secukup rasa (approx. 1 teaspoon... this is my dose... )


  • sayur:
    • panjang potongan mesti lebih seinci (kiri & kanan) daripada lebar daging
    • carrot & timun jepun disagat memanjang atau kalau tiada penyagat yg sesuai.. potong halus secara memanjang
    • daun bawang, garlic chves- belah/ koyak... 
    • parsley & dill- cincang kasar
    • bwang- potong memanjang
  • flavors:
    • rosemary & tarragon- cincang/ tumbuk halus
    • sampur semua flavor
  • mix semua sayur & flavor & gaul rata
  • mula gulung daging & sayur:
    • bentang daging atas chopping board
    • letak sayur secara memanjang.. pastikan sayur terjulur keluar daripada daging
    • bila dah siap gulung... ikat  dengan benang (cari benang yg diguna dalam masakan)
    • ikat kemas... jgn terlalu ketat/ longgar
  • ready to grill/ bakar:
    • grill: panaskan kuali... cairkn butter & grill daging sehingga masak
    • bakar: suhu 200oC, api atas-bawah... bakar 20-30 mins
    • siap utk dihidang

Kupang berlada

  • kupang- get biiig one... saya beli di Jusco.. kupang hidup
  • sos (blend all sampai lumat):
    • 2 bawang putih
    • 5 bawang merah
    • 1 inci halia
    • 1 cawan cili kering kisar 

  • tumis sos sampai naik minyak/ cili betul2 masak
  • masukkn garam secukup rasa
  • masukkn sedikit gula/ best is gula kabung
  • masukkan kupang & gaul rata
  • tutup kuali supaya kupang masak sekata
  • done... hias atas pinggan

fruity porcupine 

This is specially done for my boy
  • pear- pilih yg lonjong
  • anggur hijau
  • lidi pencungkil gigi

  • hmm... payah nak cakap.. tgk gambar je la..
  • mata tu... mula2 cucuk dulu dengan pencungkil gigi... then pakai pewarna cake jenis gel... kaler coal black... celup hujung pencungkil gigi tu dlm pewarna & slowly cucuk kat mata dia.. cucuk sikit2.. takut kaler dia kembang.. nanti besar pulak mata si porcupine tu nanti

fruits platter
& since si porcupine si Haziq x benarkn org lain usik... have to buat satu fruits platter for the rest....
Garnish ur fruits platter with mints from ur garden... bau mints.. mmg fresh... terasa nak pegi gosok gigi terus!

dessert???? kek lor... yummmmmmmm... hahhaa

Red-Velvet- Tiramisu cake

ings & methods? panjang benar... saya malas... heheh

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Roses... gang of black roses...

how i wish i have all 7 of them...

article copy & paste from: http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/beautiful-black-roses/

for my own reference... rupa roses ni mengelirukan juga...

my beautiful black magic... now in heaven!! 

Black rose, due to their unusual looks and rarity have fascinated gardeners and rose lovers since ages. A real black rose in actual does not even exist or hasn’t been discovered yet. What we classify as black rose are either red or purple roses with such deep colour that they appear as black. A black rose flower is darker at bud stage but transform to a dark red colour when it blooms. The petals of black roses are tinged with black and have a velvety sheen to it

The black rose meaning is often mistaken as with red rose because of their dark red colour. Black rose is not associated with death, but is associated with mourning and sadness, farewells and endings and even an end of a relationship. Some black roses also represent ‘rebirth or the beginning of something new’ while some signify obsession.

1. Black Magic Roses:

Black magic is the most popular red rose in the market today. The bud of this rose is very black and can even be cut in their bud form to give an appearance of black rose. This flower looks very appealing with deep red velvety petals. The petals are thick and fully doubled. The bloom appears singly on each stem making it very attractive as a cut flower. The foliage is beautiful and dark green. This black rose gets it beautiful dark colour and strong smell from its parent ‘Guinee’ rose. These are pretty large in size and smell heavenly, making it ideal for planting. This flower is considered as a symbol of departure and farewell. The flower blooms throughout the year. When placed under dim lights this flower appears truly black in colour.

2. Black Velvet Rose:

Black velvet rose is a large flowered Hybrid tea rose. It is deep burgundy in color with a dark, blackish velvety look, from where it gets is name. The shrub of this flower bears just one flower at a stem and the huge buds opens up to reveal a large semi double deep black blooms. The flower has dark green leathery foliage with green leaves. The flower is highly fragrant and is often used in the perfumery industry. The flower blooms every year in summer until fall.

3. Black Baccara’ Roses:

Black Baccara rose is a hybrid tea rose which is perfect for cut flower arrangements. This flower came to existence in 2005 after extensive research. The flower has no fragrance at all, but looks really very beautiful. Like other black roses, these flowers look very dark when they do not unfurl fully and take a beautiful deep red colour when they open completely. The blooms open slowly, showing a deep red colour with black shadings. As it blooms, the edges of the rose, still have a blackish tint on their petals. The dark leathery leaves are reddish when they are young and cover the bush really well. The flower appears blacker in cool weather.

4. Black Jade Rose:

This beautiful flower won the ARS in 1985 for minis, from a smaller breeder called Benardella. It is also called ‘BenBlack’ in some regions of the world. Jade is a deep dark red flower that turns black in a hot sunny weather. The flower is not resistant to cooler weather and gets black spots every once in a while. The flower can be best grown in pots where they can manage themselves against climate. The flower grows in clusters with around 5 to 10 blooms in each stem. The flower opens up to reveal attractive, bright golden stamens, which looks beautiful in contrast to the very dark blackish petals. The foliage is dark and glossy.

5. Black Cherry Rose:

Black Cherry Rose belongs to the family of heirloom. The flower gets its name from large nearly black blooms that look cherry red in certain lights. This flower is deep burgundy red in colour and is fully double, around 3 to 4 inches wide. The flower has no fragrance at all and is perfect for cut flower arrangement. The flower begins flowering in early season and continues in waves in all seasons.

6. Black Beauty Rose:

This flower was first introduced by Meilland in France in 1954. Like most of the black roses, Black beauty rose is large hybrid tea rose with a deep dark red colour. The young bud and the reverse of the petals appears dark velvety blackish red in color. The flower opens to a deep burgundy shade. The flower has relatively smaller blooms than other hybrid tea roses. It has a very mild fragrance which is not at all over powering. The flower looks vibrant as cut flower and can make any flower decoration look glamorous. It looks amazing when mixed with cream or white colored flower. The flower is also very popular during weddings and for bouquet decoration. This rose bloom throughout summers and winter.

7. Black Ice:

Black Ice belongs to modern cluster flowered Floribunda Rose. The name black ice derives from its parent iceberg roses. The rose was first bred by Gandy in England in 1971. The buds of this flower are very dark black in colour and open to a beautiful dark scarlet colored large size bloom. The open flower displays a dark red colour with red shadings which looks like a black colored rose. The flower has glossy green foliage which looks very attractive with the red flower. The flower blooms every year in summer till fall. It has a mild fragrance which is very pleasing.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Online Nursery kami: FB IPlant Page

Salam & Salam sejahtera....

We proudly announce here... our online nursery sudah beroperasi !... pls like our FB Page: IPlant Page & shopping our products disini... boleh ke Photos>> Album>> For Sale

alhamdulillah... tercapai juga separuh daripada  angan2 mat jenin dulu.... ingatkan sampai pencen akan jadi angan2... semoga cita2 nak buka nursery menjadi kenyataan... 

online nursery ini baru beroperasi kira2 3 bulan... & alhamdulillah... sambutan boleh dikatakan menggalakkan

Kami pun tak sangka IPlant online nursery kami mendapat perhatian netizen... pembeli2 dari seluruh Malaysia.... Alhamdulillah

hmmm... tinggal satu lagi angan2 mat jenin... nak buka restauran/ cafe... hmmmmmmmmmmm...... semoga dimakbulkan

meh tengok.. profil2 FB kami yg berkaitan ya.... 

Our FB Page.. album jualan boleh didapati disini


Our Support Group
 Kami buka IPlant Support Group untuk membantu pembeli2 kami untuk bermula dengan penanaman ala home gardeners atau kebun bandar... kami sertakan juga dalam bentuk tutorial bergambar cara2 membuat semaian/ mengendalikan anak pokok/ pokok2 daripada kami.

wish us (my hubby & i) success please guys!!!