i just like Korea...even that is my first time in Gangneung & Seoul....the weather.....the flowers...make me fall in love....esp Gangneung.....
this is just to share few photos taken while visiting the R&D Centre there....& that visit is official visit.....utk meninjau peluang R&D collaboration..
June 2012 is Summer in Korea...Spring baaaru jek abis....ralat jugak rasanya...ingatkan dapatla tengok spring cemana....maklum xpenah g oversea..this is 1st time...kalo setakat over south china sea dah penah dahhhhhh...5 taun meh wa kat sabah.....hehe
& the story yg x official ni...sepatutnya last june/ july lagi aku post..tapi sebab ter bz benar,....baru la nak menge"post"...
sampai di Incheon Airport...mata disajikan dengan bunga2an..... hidup rupanyaa.....sekali pandang...ingatkan bunga mati......hmmmm....
terpandang hydrangea...kat sini warnanya pink..means tanah dia acidic..cantikkkk,,,,biasa jumpa kat Malaysia kaler biru...
dari Incheon airport...kami terus ke Gangneung.....naik airport limo bus....bila belek2 balik gambar bas ni..teringat plak kat videoclip Oppa Gangnam Style...haha...macam ada sama la rupa diaa....
quit selesa....jarak perjalanan cuma 200 km from airport to Gangneung..but took 4 hrs.....sungguh berhemah pemandunya....terasa selamat naik bas tu......I think 200 km lebih kurang KL-Maran??? (lebih kurang laaa....) & bayangkan kat sini...kalau jarak perjalanan macam tu..sudah pastinya x sampai 4 jam...
Dalam tempoh perjalanan 4 jam tu...sempat juga berenti kat R&R dia....ingatkan nak beli makanan..sebab dah lapo..tapi tataula nak beli apa.....semua in Korea..xde satu pun english....tanya pun they dont know what to answer...not able to speak in english..huhuhuhuuu.....laponyerr.....but..they r so kind & polite...

dok dalam bas...sambil menikmati pemandangan2 dari dalam bas...sekali terpandang view sebegini....terasa macam lalu kat karak highway.....kat bukit tinggi....ada bangunan2..& dikelilingi plak oleh range of mountains & hills....
yang ni plak macam view kat perlis.....area sawah padi...hehe
Sepanjang jalan....(boleh dikatakan laa.....) climbing roses....melambak2...dengan merah menyalanya...cantik sungguh mata memandang...tapi sayang....x dapat ambik gambo... x jelas......
Sampai di Gangneung Bus Terminal.....Kami dijemput Senior Scientist KIST....terus dibawa ke tempat makan.....elok sangatla tu...perut dah berkeroncong..maklumla...paginya pukul 8 am..makan roti sandwich je kat airport...tu pun roti yg MAS bagi pukul 4 pagi for breakfast....nasib baik xde selera makan masa tu...ada gak makananku utk sarapan kat airport tu..... sudahnya...kami dibawa ke sushi restaurant......hmmm....sushi....yg aku x suke itewwww...sebab mentah2 jek semuanya....hmmmmmmmmmmmm......makan jek la labu..sebab dah lapo giler....ada ayam....ada daging....tataula daging per....ada udang..ikannnn.....telur ikannnnnnnnnnnnnn.....so...pilihan aku.....udang, ikan (unagi kot nama ikan tu....)...& telur ikan.......lupa lak nak amik gambo..tapi elok gak..kang dikata "perak" aka jakun pulak.....sooo...pilihan yg ada apa lagik laaa........udang, ikan & telur ikan laa.......apa tunggu lagi kan.....
"bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallahh...."
lepas makan...menuju ke KIST Gangneung Institute.....tak jauh dari bandar Gangneung....dalam 20 mins kot...sesampai aje kitorang kat pintu gerbang dia....ini yg sambut kamii...melilit2 kat pagar diaaa...fullamakkkk...ini lah juga yg dok melilit2kat pagar2 sepanjang highway dari Seoul ke Gangneung ni haa....dari jauh sungguh memikat di mata...
ni la gambo dekatnya plak..this is climbing roses....memanjat2 pagar..& setangkai dia..ada berkuntum2 roses..kembang serentak plak tuu....yg dirumahku..walaupun ada yg jenis ni....memangla berkuntum2 juga...but...kembang x serentak....satuuu..satu...
.sampai kat apartment situ...dah dapat bilik tido satu sorang......(studio)....rehat jap..then mandi manda.......pastu kami berdua punya aktiviti ronda2.....
Gambar2 ni diambil di depan apartment penginapan kami...for them those are bushes! but for us...they r flowers!...nice one...agaknya cenggini la negara 4 musim kot...rumput pun colorful! so below is their bushes...yg aku anggap flowers tu....tumbuh liar celah2 rumput....comey kan???
but this is not rumput..this is iris orchid.....i know this very well..hahahaa.....i saw there are iris planted dekat2 situ...maybe the seeds terbang dibawa angin & tumbuh kat dalam semak samun tu...
& this is also not rumput biasa..i know this is campanula.....i know campanula sari pada cerita kartun wallace & gromit...the "heroin" punya nama is campanula....ngeeeeee.....
and also....look at this weed....macam pernah tengok kan????
ada sama tak macam yg kat dalam S3 ni??? sama kan????
dah abis ronda2 dalam semak dia..masukla plak Medicinal Plants Garden... ruangnya kecik je..tapi boleh tahan banyak jugak herbs dalam dia....so these pics are only few of the herbs planted there..
& these r few pics of flowers planted around the campus of the institute........only know few names of them!
this is dahlia...but "dwarf dahlia"..comelnya...baru tumbuh sejengkal dah berbunga....
dirumahku dah berpuluh jengkal pun xmo bunge....huhu |
plot of dahlia.... |
yellow iris orchid.. |
and this so "gorgeous flower was grow wild there...know what is it?
This is poppy flower....so nicee...orange-red color looks stunning in the bushes....wauuu...nobody abuse this plants????Kalau kat sini dah kena musnahkan dengan kadar segera kot...hmmm.... |
We did visit few beautiful places there...
the Gangneung City museum..or Ojukheon Museum... i dont know about this museum at that time..but according to Mr. Wikipedia:
"Ojukheon Museum 오죽헌, which is named after a special black bamboo growing in this area, has been the birthplace of the famous Korean scholar Yulgok (1536-1584 A.D. His portrait is featured on the 5,000 Won bank note) and his mother Saimdang(1504-1551 A.D. Who is featured on the 50,000 Won bank note). Since 1963 the Ojukheon Museum counts as national cultural heritage No 165. It includes one of the oldest wooden buildings in Korea. Several shrines and old residential buildings deliver insight into the lives of these famous Koreans"
very beautiful panoramic views there! since that time is end of spring & beginning of summer...i still can see the "sisa2" spring....:-)
Entrance |
yg ni kira sisa2 musim bunga... |
Nice tree...look at the silara... |
This is the black bamboo...In Malaysia...a lot have been planted in Bukit Tinggi....
& a few bushes in FRIM- near the Sek Agama Rakyat (KAFA) FRIM. |
the description black bamboo..I believe stated there is the medicinal props etc....sila la baca ye...ngehngehngeh |
Potrait of Lady Shin Saimdang- mother of Yul-Gok... |
tempat utk ambil gambar......the pics taken from this point
sama dengan gambar dalam duit Korea..but cannot rememberla which note. |
Red maple tree... |
That's from the museum....then we visited one place..macam wakaf...atau kalau dalam novel Ramlee Awang Mursyid (I'm refering to siries of Laksamana Sunan)...that kinda building call "pondok tak berdinding...hehe..which is nak sampai ke wakaf ni di puncaknya...quite mengah la jugak...nasib baik berbaloi...with temperature macam dekat cameron H....angin bertiup x brenti.....hmmm...kalau datang sorang....memang aku tidur punya la kat situ.......
I dont remember the place's name....tapi this is a place where their great scholar rests...berfikir mencari ilham....& write a poem. I forgot to tell earlier..Korean...they love arts...a lot of poems written....in fact at this place....(macam tempat rehat raja2 gitu...)..banyak poems digantung....but in their language la....no translation at all...so i cant understand...
panoramic view from the "wakaf" |
The guardian of this wakaf...very nice lady..peramah...tapi sayang nya...x boleh berbahasa inggeris...Thanks a lot to senior researcher yg bawa kami....tolong jadi translator.....yg melekat kat bumbung tu semua adalah sajak2 yg ditulis oleh pemerintah2 mereka...& one of the sajak belong's to Yul-Gok...yg ditulis semasa umur beliau 9 or 10 (not sure la umur sebenar.) |
Lunch time???? hmm...we were brought to a TaufooRestaurant...served the is soy bean product...with vege.....
taste like asam pedas without daun kesum... |
knowing Korean....Kimchi is compulsory! suppose to be side dish..
but for me...looks like the main dish served here! look at the table... |
Kimchi time!!!!! it's 4 small plates of Kimchi here....macam2 sayur yg di "kimchi" kan....
I love the kimchi daun/ pokok bawang tu...that's the best! |
At the evening....we had our coffee at 'Angel in us Coffee"..at the beach! with temp around 23-25 oC.....7 coffee with me...anging bertiup kencang dengan pemandangan yg memang cantik......(walaupun cuma ada air laut jek pun).....hmmmm.....
forget to snap pics of the coffee house....this pic is from http://www.ejpix.com. |
Dinner timee....yes..seafood restaurant!
kawasan dekat2 restoran tu....banyak kereta..tapi orangnya tatau pegi mana... |
Kimchi |
octopus |
main course.....merah menyala2 dalam pinggan ni.....all seafood & tauge (yg nampak macam mee tu.....)
rasa?? hmm..how to describe? pedas gilaa!! but taste like tomyam without asam, daun limau purut & serai..hehe...lu pikirla sendiri!!! |
close up...belek punya belek..tiba2...ting tongg....terberenti kejap aku makan....rupa2nya siput sedut (laut punyer..)..hahahha....suspen betul.... |
apa lagi..makan la kami sampai merah2 muka tahan pedas..tapi sedapp....
from Gangneung..we back to Seoul for next official visit....this time..we had free time (afternoon) for ronda2 sekitar institute.... Seoul is hotter than Gangneung....but not as hot as Malaysia la...hehe..
dinner time...I should thank the officer of the Institute..so kind bawak kami berdua makan malam kat seafood restrn....nice guys....
octopus....bila kat seoul..baru aku realise....kat sini sotong kurita aje yg aku jumpa.......xsotong biasa x jumpa plak...maybe sebab laut sejuk kot...kurita jek yg colonised laut depa..hehe |
yeahh...kimchi again... |
my favourite..roses! |
buah apa tu?? apricot????? ada macam ke? |
mesin basuh kat guest house yg kami stay...all in Korea! Nak guna pun tatau...sebab takut ter rosakkan mesin basuh ni..sanggup kami x pakai..hehe |
now..balik timee...yeeha..dah seminggu kat sana...time to pulang menadah hujan batu di negeri sendiri...hehe..
good idea of vertical landscape for rumah..hehe |
hydrangea... |
also another good idea for garden...boleh tiru ni. |
close up...it is simen..but covered with spagnum moss...& deco with indoor plants... |
time to take off...good bye Korea.. |
bila dah sampai penghujung entry ni baru realise...penuh ngan gambo2 bunga2, pokok2 & rumput2 jek..hehe...i'm so "nature" la...hahahaaa....