Monday, February 3, 2014

Angel Trumpet

Bila membeli pokok2 dari Cameron... majority akan tanya... boleh ke pokok2 tu hidup kat tempat biasa ??? That's kinda question was asked masa aku sibuk membeli belah pokok kat Cameron last year....

the answer.... boleh hidup... but of course akan ada perubahan sikit kat pokok2 tu sebab dah keluar dari kawasan dia... usually yang nampak obvious adalah size bunga (kalo pokok bunge la...). size akan mengecil... & pokok sayur macam kobis akan nampak kobisnya x la sebesar kobis kat tanah tinggi.. but still ok per....

& I believe... kalau membeli pokok dimana2pun petuanya sama aje... jangan terus tanam kat tengah panas... biarkan dulu pokok2 tu serasi dengan persekitaran baru dia... then after week or two.. barulah ditanam.....

this is to share pokok bunga Angel Trumpet yg aku beli last year kat Cameron.....

Angel trumpet kaler that time kurus kering... $5 satu polibeg 
after 3 months...

After 4-5 months (rasanya... dah lupa la)... mula berbunga... look at that kudup bunga

another shoots....

Bunga mula keluar dari sarung diaa....

dah keluar semuanya...

tadaaaa.... dah kembang.... bila mengembang.. barula kaler pink dia fully develop

si kecik yg xpernah miss mengerjakan pokok.... 

Memang seronok bila tengok angel trumpet dipenuhi "trumpet" pink.... terasa berbaloi2 beli....
however, I notice that this plant need a lot of water.. I have to water this plant at least 2x per day... then the growth boost!
my naughty boy.... asal ada peluang... mesti dia bermain dgn angel trumpet..... puas larang... x makan saman...

kakak pun suka main dengan bunga ni....

selamat  bunga aku!!! sempat jugak dia tarik...

Jasa angel trumpet... jadi hiasan dulang hantaran mas kahwin masa my brother's wedding....


  1. Salam, akak tahu tak pokok Brugmansia suaveolens ni pokok yg sgt beracun dan boleh membawa maut. Bunga dia mmg cantik, tapi sgt berbahaya, lagi2 terhadap kanak

    1. Thanks for the reminder... appreciate that!

      yes... I know Brugmansia / Datura is poisonous plants... but, in my knowledge… it is poisonous jika dimakan since this plant contain tropine alkaloid.

      in terms of medicinal properties, people use the flower/leaves as tea... but of course in low dosage... as it contain anti-cholinergic & spasmolytic properties….. and I know it can be used externally for headache/ migraine & treatment for colic

      but after ur comment ni….. saya ada buat search & ada yg maklumkan kesan toxicity (rashes, gatal, pening etc) selepas kerja2 pruning pokok.... hmmmm…. Sayangnye pokok ni….maybe I need to move the angel trumpet plant jauh sikit daripada balkoni rumah….

      Thanks again dear....

    2. Your welcome, I almost bought this tree before, but my mother prohibited me from buying it because she's the one that told me about the tree toxicity.
      Yes, most of the poisonous plants will take effect if we consume any parts of the tree, such as the flower & leaf, even the oleander plant toxicity is more hazardous than datura.
      elok juga tanam jauh sikit pokok tu dr kwsan org lalu lalang, tkut debunga dia dhidu knak2 tu yg blh jd bhya, tp slagi ank2 puan x consume any part of the tree they still safe :), tp sronok tgk pkk tu dpt hdup dkt tnh rndah, jd teringin plak nk tnam, haha,

  2. yes.. too bad kebanyakan pokok2 berbunga cantik rupawan memang cantik memukau mata...... haha... i think its time for my kids start to learn about poisonous plants... hmm.. maybe can ask them to make "nametag" for the plants.... & gantung kat pokok2 kat rumah tu.... thought its a way of teaching the kids about subject "alam & manusia". haha

  3. Sis... guna baja x utk pokok ni???? Sye baru je order pokok ni... tpi x tau cara penjagaannye... sye order sbb suke sangat tngok bunganye....

  4. Perlu! baja organik the best utk angel trumpet... Angel trumpet perlukan baja banyak & air yg banyak... tapi pastikan tanahnya bersaliran baik & air tidak bertakung. letakkan bawah cahaya matahari terus & dia akan kerap berbunga. Good luck girl!

  5. Terima kasih sis... sye dh dpt pokok tu, bunga kaler oren peach... wangi sngt,
    Sye ade satu lg soalan... utk pokok trompet angle ni, lebih elok tanam dlm pasu atau atas tanah??? Sye tanam dlm pasu....

  6. best grown atas tanah.. tapi kalau ada problem space... u can grow them in big pot.. at least pot size of 1 feet diameter x 1 1/2 feet height.

  7. Salam Bro.. apa nama nursery yg jual angel trumpet ni.. Gua ada tanam warna putih ambil dari bukit tinggi Indonesia. Skrg wa baru tahu ada jual kat cameron highland. Kalau lu x ingat x apa la.. nanti wa gi tarah itu cameron highland. Lu keep it up ur good web.. all right. Catcha later.

    1. wassalam. kami beli baka ni dah lama sangat dah. dekat key farm. sekarang ni agak payah nak jumpa seller angel trumpet ni. kami ada jual... kaler pink kuning & oren... penghantaran melalui pos... kalau minat pergi ke facebook page kami IPlant Page. PM FB Page tu kalau nak order..

      kalau nak pergi kerat je kat cameron tu pun ok jugak... bersepah je pokok ni kat sana.

  8. Assalamualaikum ada jual angel trumpet yg warna bunga mcm gambar atas ke?berapa rm ye?

    1. Waalaikum salam. Ya. Kami ada jual. RM18 sepokok x termasuk pos..jika minat boleh wasap 013 2171514

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